Aker Kværner ASA's (www.akerkvaerner.com) Board of Directors has resolved to propose to the annual general meeting that the company change its name to Aker Solutions ASA. During 2007, a longterm and stable ownership structure was established for Aker Kvaerner, as…
Süd-Chemie AG (Munich, Germany; www.sud-chemie.com) and Alvigo AS (Tallinn, Estonia; www.alvigo.ee), the major manufacturer of catalysts in the former Soviet Union, have established a joint-venture (JV) — Sud-Chemie Alvigo Catalysts GmbH. Süd Chemie holds a 60% share of the JV,…
Peru Copper Syndicate has awarded Aker Kvaerner Metals, Inc. (Tuscon, Ariz.; www.akerkvaerner.com) a $11.5-million contract for the provision of technical services for basic engineering and additional testwork for the Toromocho Project — a large copper-molybdenum open-pit mine, located east of…
The Energy & Chemicals Group of the Shaw Group Inc. (Baton Rouge, La.; www.shawgrp.com) has been awarded a contract to provide proprietary technology, engineering and procurement services for two 200,000 m.t./yr acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plants for Tianjin Dagu Chemical…
The Linde Group (Munich, Germany; www.linde.com) has signed a long-term supply contract for industrial gases with international steel producer Corus, part of Tata Steel. The agreement involves the construction of a new air separation unit (ASU) at Corus’ Scunthorpe site…
At the beginning of 2008, it’s clear that global economic growth is slowing. The housing downturn has adversely affected the U.S., and the ensuing credit problems (and tightening) have spread to other nations. A key issue is whether or…
It is likely that in your work, you have crossed paths with a person you admire for a career involving excellence in chemical engineering. If you would like to recognize this individual’s accomplishments, nominate him or her for our 2008…
Thomas H. Lane is named president-elect and will serve as president in 2009 for the American Chemical Society (Washington, D.C.). Calvalley Petroleum, Inc. (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) elects Bill Cummins chief financial officer. ESR Technology Ltd. (Warrington, U.K.) appoints Roel Berendsen…
Plant Watch A new plant for crude-oil processing to be built in Italy December 10, 2007 — ABB has won a contract worth more than $86 million from Eni SpA to design and construct a new oil processing plant in…
Toyo Engineering Corp. (TEC; Narashino, Japan; edlinks.chemengonline.com/7368-532), Modec Inc. (Tokyo, both Japan) and Velocys Inc., (Plain City, Ohio) have agreed to jointly develop a commercial gas-to-liquid (GTL) plant to be installed on a mobile platform or ship for monetizing small-to-medium…