Uhde GmbH (Dortmund, Germany; www.uhde.biz) won two major contracts from the Bulgarian company LUKOIL Neftochim Bourgas AD, part of the Russian petroleum group LUKOIL, to engineer and supply clean-fuels plants for diesel and gasoline desulphurization for its refinery located in…
No manufacturer can calibrate flowmeters more accurately than Endress+Hauser (E+H) Flowtec AG (Reinach, Switzerland; www.endress.com): the company’s new calibration facility sets standards worldwide, the manufacturer claims. “It puts us in a position to satisfy even the highest customer requirements without…
Royal DSM N.V. (Heerlen, Netherlands; www.dsm.com) has received a grant from the U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE; Washington, D.C.) for a technical consortium on an innovative biotechnological approach of bioproducts and biofuels. The grant will fund an extensive enzyme-development program,…
Specialty chemicals group Lanxess AG (Leverkusen, Germany; www.lanxess.com) is set to make the biggest single investment in its history in Singapore. A new chemical production site for synthetic rubber is to be built at the chemical park on Jurong Island.…
A persistent shortage of potable water in the City of Algiers, Algeria was eased today as the $250-million Hamma Seawater Desalination Plant (SWDP) was officially opened by Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and Jeff Garwood president and CEO, GE Water &…
A new catalysis center (www.catalyticcenter.de) has opened today in Aachen, Germany, for which the Bayer company provides more than seven million euros of funding. “To further boost our innovative strength, we support excellent performance and talent in science,” says Peter…
Lurgi Zimmer GmbH, a company of Lurgi GmbH (Frankfurt, Germany; www.lurgi.com), has contracted a Polyamide 6 plant to be built for Zhejiang Huajian Nylon Co. Ltd., China. Polyamide is a widely used polymer for sophisticated technical and textile applications. Zhejiang…
North America Pittcon 2008. The Pittsburgh Conference (Pittsburgh, Pa.). Phone: 412-825-3220; Web: pittcon.org New Orleans, La. Mar. 1 – 7 SPAR 2008. Spar Point Research LLC (Danvers, Mass.). Phone: 978-774-1102; Fax: 978-774-4841; Web: sparllc.com Houston, Tex. Mar. 3 – 5…
These guiding principles will help you prepare properly and avoid making this task more unpleasant than it has to be If you ever find yourself in a management position, inevitably at some point you will have to terminate an employee.…
Atlas Material Testing Technology (Chicago, Ill.) elects Rick Weiler president and CEO. Stephen Pegler joins BEM Systems (Phoenix, Ariz.) as senior engineer. Albert N. Crawford is named vice president of sales by Charkit Chemical Corp. (Norwalk, Conn.). Kelly Semrau is…