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PSE launches gPROMS v3.1 modeling technology

Process Systems Enterprise (PSE; London, U.K.; has completed its roll-out of the 2nd generation gPROMS process-modeling platform with the release of gPROMS v3.1. gPROMS is widely used by large process industry companies in the oil & gas, chemicals, pharmaceutical…

Wonderware unveils water/wastewater applications

Wonderware (Lake Forest, Calif.;, a business unit of Invensys Plc. (London;, today announced the release of the Wonderware IndustryPack for Water & Wastewater designed to enhance overall productivity in facility operations for the water and wastewater industry. This…

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DuPont expands production of Solamet paste

To meet the needs of the fast-growing photovoltaic (PV) solar energy market, DuPont (Wilmington, Del.; today announced that it will expand production of its Solamet thick-film metallization pastes at its Electronic Materials DuPont Dongguan Ltd. (EMDD) facility in China.…

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Alfa Laval wins large order in China

Alfa Laval (Lund, Sweden; has received an order for the Packinox plate heat exchanger from a petrochemical company in China. The order value is about SEK 60 million, and delivery is scheduled for 2009. “During the second quarter this…

Wacker Schott Solar to expand in Jena

After commissioning a new wafer production facility at the so-called “Jena Site 2” in mid-April, Wacker Schott  Solar GmbH (Jena, Germany; is continuing its production-site expansion. The company announced this today during a visit by Jena mayor Albrecht Schröter.…

Veolia wins Sines Plant environmental project

La Seda de Barcelona (LSB; Spain; has awarded the project of environmental services for the industrial plant Artenius Sines, a subsidiary of the Spanish multinational located in Portuguese city of Sines, to the French company Veolia Environnement ( The…

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S-Oil selects ParamaX technologies

S-Oil Corp. (Seoul, Korea; has selected Axens’ (Rueil-Malmaison, France; ParamaX Technology Suite for the No.2 Aromatics complex at the Onsan refinery in South Korea. The new 1,180,000-m.t./yr plant will add capacities of 900,000 m.t./yr paraxylene and 280,000 m.t./yr…

CAC builds underground storage facility for natural gas

Chemieanlagenbau Chemnitz GmbH (CAC; Germany; draws on its longstanding collaboration with Rohöl-Aufsuchungs AG (RAG; Vienna, Austria) and lands two new contracts for erecting underground storage facilities for natural gas. The one contract envisages the expansion of the existing Haidach…

Invensys to build a portable OTS for BP Chemicals

Invensys Process Systems (Plano, Tex.; has been awarded a contract from BP Chemicals Ltd. to build an Operating Training Simulator (OTS) to be used for the transfer of process knowledge to operators of their chemical manufacturing facilities. The training…

Water industry leaders launch Water Policy Institute to address current challenges

A consortium of water leaders announced the formation of The Water Policy Institute.  Chaired by former EPA administrator and New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman, the Institute will address water-related issues and provide information to the public through its website. …