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Technology Profile: Sugar Inversion

The substance known colloquially as table sugar is actually sucrose, a disaccharide composed of fructose and glucose. Sucrose is a major agriculturally derived product with an established industry for its extraction, processing and supply. It is mainly employed as a…

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Bayer MaterialScience inaugurates TDI plant in Dormagen; and more latest news

PLANT WATCH Bayer MaterialScience inaugurates TDI plant in Dormagen December 9, 2014 — At its site in Dormagen, Germany, Bayer MaterialScience AG (Leverkusen, Germany; has started up a new production plant for toluene diisocyanate (TDI). Valued at around €250…

AIChE names new officers for 2015

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) has announced that Cheryl Teich, reaction engineering expertise area leader at The Dow Chemical Company (Dow; Midland, Mich.), becomes president of the organization in 2015. President-elect Gregory Stephanopoulos, the W.H. Dow Professor of…

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Recently Published Books January 2015

Voids in Materials: From Unavoidable Defects to Designed Cellular Materials. By Gary M. Gladysz and Krishan K. Chawla. Elsevier Inc., 225 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02144. Web: 2014. 214 pages. $175.00. How Safe is Safe Enough? Technological Risks, Real…

Johnson Matthey divests Gold and Silver Refining business

Johnson Matthey (London; has agreed to divest its Gold and Silver Refining business to Asahi Holdings Inc.,  a collector, refiner and recycler of precious and rare metals from waste materials, for £118 million ($186 million) in cash, subject to…

Technip to acquire Zimmer polymer technology business from Air Liquide

Technip (Paris, France; has announced that it has entered into an agreement with Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions Germany to purchase the entirety of its Zimmer polymer technology business. Based in Frankfurt, Germany, the business includes technologies for the…

Mitsui and Sinopec JVs announce three plant startups

Mitsui Chemicals Inc. (MCI; Tokyo; and China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. (Sinopec) have announced the startup of what is said to be one of the world’s largest EPT (ethylene-propylene-dieneterpolymer) plants for a single train under their joint venture (JV),…

Economic Indicator suggests stable growth in most OECD economies, ACC says

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD; Paris, France; most recent composite leading indicator (CLI) suggests stable growth momentum in the OECD as a whole, according to the latest Weekly Chemistry and Economic Report from the American Chemistry…

Chevron Phillips completes Sweeny ethylene expansion

Chevron Phillips Chemical Co. LP (The Woodlands, Tex.; announced completion of an ethylene expansion at its Sweeny complex in Old Ocean, Tex. With the addition of a tenth furnace to ethylene unit 33 at the Sweeny complex, the expansion…

Alcoa to double capacity for high-tech coatings in Michigan

Alcoa Power and Propulsion, a unit of Alcoa Inc. (Pittsburgh, Pa.;, is doubling its high-technology coating capacity at its Whitehall, Michigan facility. The $16.7 million investment will position the Company to further capture growing demand for advanced jet-engine parts.…