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Bayer MaterialScience now operating as Covestro

One of the world’s leading polymer materials suppliers has a new identity. From September 1, 2015 Bayer MaterialScience is operating under the Covestro name. The company is now legally and economically independent, but will remain a 100 percent subsidiary of…

Concrete: Modern Engineering for an Ancient Material

Novel additives, improved understanding of cement chemistry and thoughtful mix design are making modern concrete increasingly sustainable, durable and versatile Concrete’s origins can be traced back to the ancient world. For example, many believe that missionaries in North America learned…

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Current Economic Trends: June CEPCI

The preliminary value for the June 2015 CE Plant Cost Index (CEPCI; the most recent available) continued the trend of small monthly declines since the beginning of the year. The June CEPCI is 3.1% lower than the corresponding value from…

Fed data show gain in industrial production, ACC report says

Data from the U.S. Federal Reserve (Washington, D.C.; indicate that the output of the nation’s industrial sector grew by 0.6% in July, according to the latest Weekly Chemistry and Economic Report from the American Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington, D.C.;…

Nicholas Chopey scholarship awarded

The 2015 Nicholas P. Chopey Scholarship for Chemical Engineering Excellence has been awarded to Stephanie Kong, a student at the University of Buffalo (, who is majoring in both chemical engineering and Spanish. Kong is a member of Tau Beta…

Production of major plastic resins rose in June, ACC says

According to data from the American Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington, D.C.;, production of major plastic resins totaled 6.5 billion pounds during June 2015, up 2.6% compared to June of last year. Year-to-date production was 38.7 billion pounds, a 3.3%…

U.S. CPRI and specialty chemical volumes up in June, ACC says

The U.S. Chemical Production Regional Index (U.S. CPRI) rose by 0.5% in June, while specialty chemical market volumes in the U.S. rose by 0.1%, according to the latest Weekly Chemistry and Economic Report from the American Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington,…

U.S. chemical production rose in June, ACC report says

Overall production in the U.S. chemical industry rose by 0.7% in June to 92.1% of its average 2007 level, according to an analysis of data from the U.S. Federal Reserve Board by the American Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington, D.C.;…

Member Exclusive

Current Economic Trends: May CEPCI

The preliminary value for the May 2015 CE Plant Cost Index (CEPCI; the most recent available) continued the trend of small monthly declines since the beginning of the year. The May CEPCI is 2.4% lower than the corresponding value from…

OECD CLI shows gains in 16 of 33 major countries, ACC report says

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD; Paris; recently released its composite leading indicator (CLI) for May, and it shows that 16 of the 33 major nations experienced a gain in their CLI, according to the latest Weekly…