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Automation & Control

A tool for integrating analytical devices into control systems

Link II is a new and powerful OPC-standardized software package that simplifies the integration of analytical devices with expert control systems. A valuable tool for system integration engineers, the Link II promotes the development of future-proof control solutions, reducing the…

A compact IR temperature sensor for when space is limited

Raytek The MI3 Series of infrared (IR) temperature measurement sensors (photo) features a stainless-steel, IP 65 housing. The miniature pyrometer with integrated electronics is said to be the smallest fully functional, stand-alone IR temperature sensor for fixed installations. All operating…

Measure hydrocarbon dewpoint with this gas chromatograph

The Danalyzer 700XA gas chromatograph offers a fully automated hydrocarbon-dewpoint-monitoring method, allowing natural-gas distributors and others in the oil-and-gas industry to obtain accurate measurements of a parameter that is difficult to assess because of a host of factors, such as…

Keep in compliance with this TOC sensor

The enhanced CheckPoint Pharma online TOC (total organic carbon) Sensor can measure TOC in hot (up to 90°C) or ozonated water, and will operate at ambient temperatures up to 55°C. The sensor has a dynamic range of 0.21 to 1,000…

This two-wire level transmitter is easy to install and configure

Ametek Drexelbrook The new Impulse Series guided-wave-radar level transmitter employs field proven Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) technology to provide accurate measurement of total level, distance or volumetric outputs. TDR technology has been widely used in level measurement because of its…

Spectrometers for when sensitive light detection is required

Launched last month at Photonics West (San Francisco), the AvaSpec SensLine spectrometers feature high quantum efficiency, back-thinned CCD (charge-coupled device) detectors and the company’s Straylight optical benches. Two models are released with this line; one for measurements in the ultraviolet…

Advanced Laser-Based Gas Analyzer Can Improve Process Control

By accurately and instantly pinpointing the presence of moisture, HCl, H 2 S and other impurities, the tunable diode laser (TDL) based gas analyzer (photo) is able to provide significant benefits, including the prevention of foreshortened lifespan of costly catalysts,…

This Gas Leak Detector has a Choice of Rapid Alerts

Suitable for detecting low levels of methane, propane, butane, ammonia, and other combustibles, the Micro CG-100 combustible gas sniffer (photo) comes equipped with three alert settings, notifying users with a choice of visible signals, audible alarms or silent vibrations. This…

Monitor Machine Vibrations, Even in Hazardous Areas

As a result of gaining the highest standard for intrinsic safety ATEX (EEx ia), the established range of PZS accelerometers can now provide an even wider scope of applications. The PZS device has been used throughout industry for machine vibration…

Bluetooth is Standard on these Control-Valve Actuators

CVA actuators provide extremely precise control-valve operation with repeatability and resolution performance at less than 0.1% of full scale. In addition, they include, as a standard feature, wireless Bluetooth communication technology that can be used for quick and easy actuator…