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Monitor moisture content with this NIR gauge

Critical control of moisture content can be used to control product quality, improve productivity, save fuel consumption and optimize drying processes. The CM710e range of Ethernet-enabled, online gauges uses near-infrared (NIR) technology to measure moisture. The system’s operator workstation enables…

This bolt-on heating jacket encloses visual flow indicators

Composed of "clamshell" halves consisting of a carbon or stainless-steel pressure chamber within an aluminum casting, this heating jacket allows direct observation of high-temperature or temperature-sensitive process fluids without creating a cold spot on temperature-controlled process piping. This new jacket…

Measure flowrate and temperature with one instrument

The CoolPoint vortex shedding flowmeter (photo, p. 63) is offered with a temperature transmitter for measuring and monitoring both flow and temperature in processing water, water with chemicals added, water-glycol coolant and corrosive fluids. The flow bodies are available in…

The IS1 remote I/O interface now comes in a FF HSE version

A market-leading remote I/O system for Zone 1, Div. 1 applications, the IS1 (photo) has now been extended to feature its first operational communication interface for Foundation Fieldbus High Speed Ethernet (FF HSE). The system has already supported the Modbus…

More functionality for a smart flowmeter

Smart-Trak 2 is a significant redesign of this companys Series 100 Digital Mass Flowmeters and Controllers. The expanded functionality of Smart-Trak 2 includes: true linear performance for high accuracy and increased flexibility in multiple gases; Dial-a-Gas technology, which allows users…

This modular system is ANSI manifold compliant

Modular platform components from this company offer a variety of options for a systems approach to process analysis and control. The system, compliant with the Modular Sample and Conditioning System standard (ANSI/ISA 76.00.02), can include substrate and manifold layers with…

A tiny GC for reliable gas analysis

The C2V-200 micro GC (gas chromatography) integrates micro-chip technology with narrow-bore capillary GC to achieve a high performance at low cost. The device is designed for ease of use, can be easily installed, and has reduced maintenance and low gas…

XTP600 oxygen transmitter

Michell Instruments Measure oxygen drift-free with this transmitter The XTP600 oxygen transmitter (photo) is a self-contained oxygen transmitter for the process industries that measures oxygen content between 0.01 and 100%. Using the latest thermo-paramagnetic technology, the transmitter is almost drift-free.…

Wet chemistry moves into the process for online monitoring

The Rosemount Analytical online wet-chemistry analyzers for sodium (photo), silica, phosphate, hydrazine and ammonia are used for process monitoring in the power and ultrapure water industries. The analyzers are easy to use. Pressing one button starts, calibrates and puts the…

Software for NIR administration, network and remote access

SimPlus software allows users to monitor and administer multiple DA 7200 near-infrared (NIR) analysis systems (onsite or remote installations) from one location. Users can also access data and results, update calibrations and create reports. As a result, quality control managers…