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Software now available for bump testing gas detectors

    MSA   As part of the Altair 4X Gas Detector (photo), a new Altair 4 QuickCheck Station software version is available and is currently installed in production units. This version allows the Altair 4 QuickCheck Station to bump…

Continuous measurement of coke drum levels

Monitoring the level of coke drum bottoms in a delayed coker is among the most important processes in a petroleum refinery. High temperatures and foam, extensive caking as well as a high-pressure water jet demonstrate the unfavorable measuring conditions dominating…

Level control for very harsh process conditions

Monitoring the level of coke drum bottoms in a delayed coker is among the most important process in a petroleum refinery. The LB 490 Tower-Sens detector (photo) has proven to be a reliable and cost-effective solution for this application because…

A New Version of this Technical-Plotting Software is Available

PSI-Plot Version 8.8 for Windows adds 30 new features to the previous Version. These new features include: new simplex and Powell methods for nonlinear fitting, dose-response analysis, Weibull analysis, Kaplan-Meier survival estimates, over 100 new predefined fitting models, and many…

Measure Gas Cloud Concentrations at Multiple Points

The SafEye Xenon 800 Open Path Gas Detection System (photo) monitors a gas cloud’s concentration across 120 m where the gas concentration may not be uniform. The 800 offers operational integrity in up to 90% signal obscuration, resisting false alarms,…

Use this X-Ray Scanner to Ensure Product Quality

The XR-21 Series cabinet inspection system identifies contaminants, scans for missing or broken products and detects packaging voids, making it a useful tool to help guarantee product and packaging integrity. The system can be used for virtually any packaged items…

A Chip-Based GC for Fast, Accurate Gas Detection

The C2V-200 fast micro GC (gas chromatograph) is a hand-held sized, simple-to-use gas analyzer. The unit operates with easily exchangeable column cartridges, has a low gas consumption and now features temperature programming with fast ramping. The chip-based micro GC uses…

Gas Monitoring Using HART Communications

The Permanent Gas-detection System Ultima X now features HART digital protocol, a bi-directional industrial field communication protocol used to communicate between intelligent field instruments and host systems. With the Ultima XL/XT Gas Monitors, the user has multiple calibration options: the…

This Infrared Thermometer Includes a Handy Wristband

This company’s Traceable Infrared Thermometer (photo) with a handy wristband operates simply: turn on; point at sample; and take a reading in less than a second. The unit readsboth in Farenheit and Celsius temperature scales with a temperature range of…

This Level-Measurement Device Gets a Redesign

The completely redesigned plumb bob electrochemical level-measurement system, Nivobob (photo), offers the following enhancements: increased durability, via a brushless motor; a new rope system, which extends the time between services; and a larger measurement distance (up to 40 m with…