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An infrared pyrometer with thermal imaging capabilities  

The ISR 6-TI Advanced pyrometer uses a built-in video camera with infrared (IR) filter to improve manufacturing processes in metals, glass and other heat-dependent manufacturing industries. The ISR 6-TI Advanced is said to be a true breakthrough by combining pyrometry…

Comsol releases Multiphysics 5.0 with new Application Builder  

Comsol, Inc. (Burlington, Mass.; says it redefines the engineering simulation market with the release of COMSOL Multiphysics software version 5.0, featuring extensive product updates, three new add-on products, and the new and revolutionary Application Builder. With the Application Builder,…

Member Exclusive

High-strength steel checkup

Researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing (IZFP; Saarbrücken, Germany; have developed the so-called Magnus hybrid — an inspection system that combines micromagnetic and ultrasound techniques to characterize materials. The micromagnetic method helps determine hardness, tensile strength and…

Focus on Simulation and Modeling Software

Track energy consumption with this new software This month, this company is releasing Energy Performance Analytics (EP-Analytics; photo), a software tool that uses energy performance indicators (EnPI) to track how energy is being consumed in a plant, identifies gaps between…

Member Exclusive

Design of Experiments (DoE): Optimizing Products and Processes Efficiently

Experiments are done to quantify cause-and-effect relationships between adjustable parameters (inputs, factors, x) and the results (outputs, responses, y). They help to answer questions like: How do the ingredients and proportions of a mixture (inputs) influence its properties (outputs)? How…

Portable meters for flowrate, pressure and temperature

Alicat Scientific This company’s new, rechargeable, portable gas-mass flowmeters (photo) feature reading accuracy of ±0.8% with 18 h of continuous operations available on a single charge. These meters feature rapid multi-parameter measurements capable of producing live readouts of mass and…

Use this temperature transmitter in areas with space limitations  

The M12TX temperature transmitter (photo) features a sensor with a built-in programmable transmitter, molded connector, 4–20-mA output and a –50 to 500°C temperature range. The probe is ideal for areas where traditional head connections are too large to fit. The…

STAR-CCM+ v9.06 breaks new ground with sophisticated modeling applications  

CD-adapco (London, U.K.;, the largest privately held CFD (computational fluid dynamics) focused provider of computer-aided-engineering software, has released STAR-CCM+ v9.06. The new release allows engineers to get simulations closer to the final product by accounting for factors that are…

Letters – Combustion control

It is good to see your magazine publishing articles highlighting the tangible benefits that process control is capable of bringing to the chemical process industries [Advanced Control Methods for Combustion, Chem. Eng. September, 2014, pp. 34–39]. While the authors seem…

Pressure Transmitter Basics: Selection Guidelines

What are the steps to finding the best pressure sensor for a particular application? That’s a challenge faced by many a young engineer just out of school. Engineering school teaches a great deal of theory, but what is the best…