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Automation & Control

Focus On: Pipes & Fittings  

Make a leak-free seal, even for irregular flanges The proprietary Multi-Swell gasket material (photo) is said to be the world’s first self-loading, general-service gasket. The material creates its own load when it comes into contact with oil or water, which…

Focus On: Temperature & Pressure Measurement  

    Loop-powered digital pressure gauge provides local readout The AccuGauge AG200 (photo), media-isolated, digital pressure gauge offers a 4–20-mA output signal complete with a large LCD display. The AG200 can display each of the following measuring units with the…

An innovative twist improves moisture-measurement technology

Bartec GmbH (Gotteszell, Germany; has commercialized Hygrophil DTP, an optical dew-point sensor that uses a patented technique for accurately measuring moisture content and relative humidity (RH) of compressed air and other gas supplies. Conventional sensors that are based on…

ISA Show Preview

    ISA Expo, the largest automation and control exhibition in North America, will return to Houston’s Reliant Center on October 2–4. The Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society (ISA, Research Triangle Park, N.C.) hosts this exhibition of automation and control…

Multivariable Control

    Multivariable (MV) control is a powerful technology. Applied in industry for several decades now, substantial benefits from its use have been reported in many publications. Yet, this technique is still by far not utilized to the extent it…

Combustion models for alternative fuels

Computer models that simulate the operation of jet engines with alternative fuels will be developed by Reaction Design (San Diego, Calif.; under a two-year contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA; Glenn Research Center). The objective is…

Engineering Software Makes the Leap From the Masters to the Masses

    Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all engineering software packages. Today, solution providers offer versions with improved integration for advanced data sharing and simplified user interfaces with the ability to multitask between the design house and the plant floor,…

VLE Calculations in Multicomponent Systems

    In multicomponent systems, equation-of-state (EOS) methods generally do a good job of determining vapor-phase properties. But accurate determination of properties for the liquid phase is much more difficult, especially when the liquid contains dissimilar molecules, polar molecules such…


The ST 3000 Pressure Transmitter line from Honeywell International, Inc. (Phoenix, Ariz.; is said to be the process industries’ first to support HART 6, the latest digital-communication protocol of the HART Communications Foundation (Austin, Tex.). The new interoperability gives…

Flowmeters Meet Modern Challenges

    Deregulation of market pricing structures, increased oil-and-gas exploration and drilling costs, fierce competition, and new regulatory requirements have all influenced today’s trend toward quality flow-measurement methodologies. Not only is volume a consideration, but so is the inherent value…