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Automation & Control

Focus on Level Measurement

  This level pressure transmitter is ideal for high-purity applications Endress+Hauser The Deltapilot FMB 70 hydrostatic, level pressure transmitter (photo) is particularly suitable for food, beverage, dairy and pharmaceutical applications. Its watertight pressure-measuring cell and 316L stainless-steel housing with polycarbonate…

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Optimizing Reciprocating Compressors for CPI Plants

Reciprocating compressors — the most commonly used type of compressor throughout the chemical process industries (CPI) — are flexible and efficient, and they can generate high head (from several bar to several thousand bar) independent of gas density. Worldwide, the…

Level Measurement: On the Level

As level is a critical parameter for those in the chemical process industries (CPI), level measurement instrumentation has been around for some time. But as processors scramble to become more efficient, reduce waste, control inventory and abide by environmental regulations,…

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Process Pump Control

When automating fluid handling processes, it is critical to ensure that you are using the best type of pump for the process, and to understand how to control the type of pump you are using. The two major classes of…

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Connecting Process Simulators to the Control Room

One of the best ways to realize value from your process data is to use those data — both real-time and historical — in a process simulator. The many applications for doing so are generally categorized into offline and online…

Ask the experts: Is wireless ready for control?

Question:  Is  wireless ready for control?    Answer: The IEC 62591 (WirelessHART) standard was designed for both control and monitoring from the very beginning.  However, users wanted four key pillars in place before putting theory into action. Proof of comprehensive…

Wireless, Wireless Everywhere

To achieve success in today’s marketplace of global competition, chemical processors need to improve productivity while minimizing the total cost of ownership, which requires new measures and concepts. Wireless solutions offer far more benefits than just the elimination of cables…

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Improving Control Valve Performance

Improvements to the performance of basic, regulatory control systems have a great return on investment and are some of the least expensive control improvements to make [1]. Control valves have a major impact on control loop performance and, therefore, improvements…

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Counting On Process Analytical Technology

If the debate that culminated in passage of national healthcare reform in the U.S. is any indication of what is ahead for pharmaceutical manufacturers, they should ready themselves for battle. Implementation of the sweeping measure puts the onus on drugmakers…

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Applying CPI Temperature Sensors

When selecting a temperature sensor, don’t fall back on outdated rules of thumb that may no longer be valid, or ‘plug and play’ solutions that may not be applicable Temperature is a critical measurement in the chemical process industries (CPI).…