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Automation & Control

Cognite inaugurates Center of Excellence in India

Cognite AS (Oslo, Norway), a global leader in artificial intelligence (AI) for industry, inaugurated its India Center of Excellence in Bengaluru yesterday. The company, headquartered in the U.S., has locations in Norway, Japan, the MENA region, and now India to…

REMBE® CO.Pilot – A safety investment that pays off.

This paper discusses critical safety and efficiency challenges in drying operations, introduces the CO.Pilot, and shows how this system can enhance both safety and efficiency resulting in a true return on investment.

From Lab to Digital Twin: Estimating Simulation Parameters for Batch Columns from Experimental Data

The Batch Column in CHEMCAD is a powerful unit operation that allows the fast, simple, and reliable estimation of the feasibility of a batch distillation process. Whether you're designing a new column, developing new separation processes in existing columns, optimizing…

Laying the Foundation for Industrial Project Success

Accurate baseline data is the foundation for every successful industrial project, whether you’re modernizing aging equipment or expanding operations. Traditional measurement methods often leave you working with incomplete or outdated facility documentation, introducing costly uncertainty into planning, design, and execution.…

Advanced Chemical Processing: Optimizing Mixing Technologies for Modern Manufacturing

In today's chemical manufacturing landscape, mixing operations represent a critical cornerstone of process efficiency and product quality. The selection and implementation of appropriate mixing technologies can dramatically impact production capabilities, consistency, and bottom-line results. This white paper examines the complex…

How instrumentation can help maximize heat exchanger performance

A portfolio of instruments is required to effectively manage the lifecycle costs of heat exchangers. The operation and maintenance of heat exchangers accounts for a significant proportion of the capital and maintenance expenditure of chemical and petrochemical plants. While minimal…

Editor’s page: The expanding role of AI in process operations

Respondents to a Q4 2024 survey of industrial leaders conducted by the ARC Advisory Group (Dedham, Mass.; ranked artificial intelligence (AI) first, by a relatively large margin, among the digital technologies that they expect to be the most impactful…

Cybersecurity Implications of IT and OT Convergence

As the “Industry 4.0” revolution progresses, the convergence of IT systems with OT systems presents significant security risks. Presented here are strategies to bridge the divide between the two areas and secure plant operations The convergence of information technology (IT)…

Winter-Proof Your Process: The Hydro-Thermal Heating Advantage

When temperatures drop, industrial water heating becomes a challenge. Maintaining precise outlet temperatures is critical in processing, and Hydro-Thermal’s Direct Steam Injection technology ensures instant, on-demand heating. This allows faster startups and reduces downtime—even in extreme cold. Unlike heat exchangers,…

Member Exclusive

Modern Level-Measurement Technologies for CPI Applications

Advanced level measurement devices enhanced with intelligence solve CPI challenges Chemical processes often require handling media that is corrosive, flammable, explosive or toxic with wide ranges in temperature and pressure and characteristics that include steam, dust, foam, turbulence and condensation.…