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B&W Vølund consortium to build WTE power plant in Scotland

| By Gerald Ondrey

The Babcock & Wilcox Co. (B&W; Charlotte, N.C.; announced today that a consortium that includes its Denmark-based subsidiary, Babcock & Wilcox Vølund A/S (B&W Vølund), has been awarded a $230 million contract to engineer, procure and construct a waste-to-energy (WTE) power plant near Dunbar, Scotland.


Viridor UK selected B&W Vølund and its construction partner, Interserve, to design and build the plant. B&W Vølund’s scope accounts for more than two-thirds of the contract value and includes two WTE boilers, advanced DynaGrate dynamic fuel-combustion system, steam turbine and a dry fluegas cleaning system. The consortium also will test and commission the plant.


The Dunbar plant will be able to process up to 38 ton/h of municipal waste and will help the Scottish government meet an ambitious target of landfilling zero biodegradable municipal waste by 2021.


The project was booked in the fourth quarter of 2014. Engineering is underway and the plant is scheduled to go online in the fourth quarter of 2017.