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Bulk-Solids Handling

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Netzsch Premier Technologies

Netzsch Premier Technologies

Circulating grinding system offers multi-pass operation

The Grinding System Zeta (photo) is designed to maximize size-reduction volume throughput without overheating the product. It uses extremely small (0.1– to 3–mm dia.) grinding media, and ensures reproducible product quality, says the company. The closed horizontal agitator bead mill is designed for the highest product throughput rates and has a peg grinding system that provides extremely high grinding intensity. The horizontal orientation guarantees a homogeneous fill of the grinding media in the grinding tank, says the manufacturer. For precise temperature control, the agitator mill is equipped with an optimized cooling system. The forced conveyance of the product through the grinding media fill guarantees a uniform load inside the mill, while the dynamic separation system retains the grinding media in the grinding zone. This enables extremely high throughput rates without pressure buildup and allows for multipass operation. — Netzsch Premier Technologies LLC, Exton, Pa.


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