A full line of air-powered tube expanders and rolling motors for creating steel-to-steel mechanical seals in boilers, heat exchangers and condensers is available for sale or rent from this company. The Millhog tube expanders and rolling motors (photo) are air-powered and feature precise torque control from 25 to 325 ft-lb. Once the proper torque level is established, this setting can be retained so that each time the throttle is engaged, the tool will stall when it reaches the desired tube expansion. The Mollhog is offered in five kits to accommodate tubes from 1 in. I.D. to 4-1/4 in. O.D., and 1 to 20 Ga wall thickness. Configurations include straight and right-angle rolling motors for straight and flared rolls. — ESCO Tool, a unit of ESCO Technologies, Inc., Holliston, Mass.