A large coalition of advanced and traditional renewable fuel stakeholders today joined forces to defend America’s Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and the economic, employment, domestic renewable energy and national security benefits the RFS provides. The new coalition, Fuels America, spans the full spectrum of domestically-grown renewable fuel, national security, renewable energy and other stakeholders.
The coalition also launched an online platform at FuelsAmerica.org and a Twitter presence @FuelsAmerica.
The launch comes as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA; Washington, D.C.; www.epa.gov) considers a request to “waive” the RFS, a move that coalition members stressed would have serious consequences for America’s rural communities, renewable technology innovators and energy independence.
“Fuels America is built around one core idea: renewable fuel is essential to the U.S. economy, our nation’s energy security, our rural communities and the environment,” said former Congressman Jim Greenwood, President and CEO, Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO). “More than 400,000 American jobs are supported by renewable transportation fuel, and America leads the world in renewable fuel innovation. That is why Fuels America’s diverse membership has come together to reset the national conversation on renewable fuel, protect the progress that has been made and ensure that America’s Renewable Fuel Standard continues its success.”
Fuels America members include:
Abengoa Bioenergy
Advanced Ethanol Council
American Coalition for Ethanol
American Security Project
Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO)
Growth Energy
National Association of Wheat Growers
National Corn Growers Association
National Farmers Union
National Sorghum Producers
Renewable Fuels Association (RFA)
The Fuels America campaign will be a national effort, including advertising, beginning in Washington, DC and several states, including Colorado, Ohio, Delaware and Montana. Each state will have its own online platform reachable through FuelsAmerica.org and feature the stories of renewable fuel innovators and communities with a stake in maintaining the RFS.
Members of the Fuels America coalition also stressed that renewable fuel plays a central role in increasing America’s energy independence. Since 2000, domestically-grown renewable fuel has contributed to a 25% reduction in oil imports from the Persian Gulf, making the nation more energy independent and driving down prices at the pump. Americans saved $50 billion on imported fuel costs in 2011 thanks to renewable fuel.
“America’s energy security and national security depend on expanding our renewable fuel sector, said Vice Adm. Dennis McGinn (Ret.), President of the American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE).
Coalition members noted that the rapidly emerging advanced renewable fuel sector has benefited directly from the RFS, with advanced facilities now producing fuel in Florida, Louisiana, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Mississippi, South Dakota, Tennessee and Texas.
“The Renewable Fuel Standard has created billions in investment and created hundreds of thousands of careers,” said Adam Monroe, President of Novozymes North America. “If the RFS is altered or undermined, companies like ours will have to make tough choices about where to put our long-term dollars. Keeping those dollars, and the jobs they will continue to create, in America means keeping the RFS in place. It’s a market-based signal to innovators and investors – and it works.”