Brabender Technologie
This company has completely re-designed its weigh-belt feeder to be more hygienic. The belts now feature PETG (copolymer of polyethylene terephthalate, PET and ethylene glycol) windows so that operators can perform unobstructed visual checks of bulk-material flow at any time. The blue seals and bearings are made of plastic material that complies with E.U. Regulation 1935/2004 and the U.S. FDA standard for plastic components. The top and front faces are housing sections that can be removed for direct operator access. For cleaning, maintenance access and dismantling of the belt, no special tools are required. The belt tensioner can be locked in a raised position to enable the untensioned belt to be easily removed. All components are now wet-cleaning-compatible. All metal components are made of stainless steel, including the load cell, which has an IP67 rating. The stainless-steel terminal box is separated from the housing by a spacer. The aseptic motor does not have cooling fins or a fan, thereby meeting hygienic standards. — Brabender Technologie GmbH & Co. KG, Duisburg, Germany