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BASF opens new automative coatings plant in Shanghai

| By Mary Page Bailey

A division of BASF SE (Ludwigshafen, Germany;, BASF Shanghai Coatings Co. has inaugurated its new automotive coatings plant at the Shanghai Chemical Industry Park in Shanghai, China. The expansion of its automotive coatings production capacity with an investment of around €50 million further strengthens BASF’s presence in China and its position as a leading coatings supplier to the automotive industry.
The plant is equipped with state-of-the-art ventilation and off gas treatment, ensuring a clean environment in and around the plant. In addition, it is specially designed to have a closed handling of ingredients. “Our new plant is designed according to the latest and most environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and technologies,” said Peter Fischer, Senior Vice President, Coatings Solutions Asia Pacific, BASF. “Our innovative processes and high-performance automotive coatings help our customers to achieve their efficiency targets and to stay competitive.”
The new automotive coatings plant is located adjacent to another new BASF resin and electrocoat plant which will start operation in the second half of 2015. The close proximity of these two plants with access to facilities of BASF Caojing site and the Shanghai Chemical Industry Park will allow greater synergies and operational efficiency.
 BASF Shanghai Coatings Co., Ltd. is a joint venture between BASF Group and Shanghai Huayi Fine Chemical Co., Ltd., with more than 17 years of successful partnership.