This firm’s continuous particulate-emission monitor and baghouse-filter leak detector (photo) effectively automates the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA; Washington, D.C.) maximum achievable control technology (MACT) requirements, thus improving air-quality management. Capable of detecting any type of particulate above 0.3 µm — conductive, non-conductive, moist or corrosive — the device has induction-sensing and protected-probe technologies, which provide enhanced reliability in difficult applications (such as carbon black, lead smelters and pharmaceutical spray dryers). It is available with resolutions for standard leak detection (5 – 10 mg/m 3), monitoring and analysis (approximately 0.5 mg/m 3) and mass correlations (approximately 0.1 mg/m 3). In addition to automatic self-checks for periodic instrument validation and automatic signal-diagnostics for performance and setup, the monitor has remote passive sensors that are not affected by alignment or normal vibration. — FilterSense, Beverly, Mass.
Automate Air-quality Standards with this Device
| By Chemical Engineering