Altivia Ketones & Additives, LLC (Houston, Tex.; an affiliate of Altivia Petrochemicals, today announced that it acquired Dow’s Acetone Derivatives Business and associated chemical manufacturing assets at Institute, W.Va., as well as the Institute Industrial Park. Altivia successfully assumed operations and product distribution without delay on November 1.
The Acetone Derivatives Business manufactures ketones and carbinols, used primarily in the coatings, adhesive and pharmaceutical industries. It is the largest North American production facility of its kind.
“We have implemented a thorough transition plan over the past 12 weeks to ensure continuity and avoid disruptions during our assumption of operations at Institute, West Virginia,” said Altivia’s Chief Executive Officer J. Michael Jusbasche. “Customers of our Ketones business and stakeholders at our Institute Industrial Park will experience a seamless transition to Altivia.”
The 460-acre Institute Industrial Park was originally operated by Union Carbide and became an industrial park in the mid-1980s. The facility houses the acetone derivatives business acquired by Altivia, as well as other Dow and DuPont businesses, which receive utility and logistics services to support chemical production activities.