The 42 NSD-1S is a new multipurpose ribbon blender equipped with interchangeable double-ribbon and paddle agitators. With a maximum working capacity of 1 ft3, the 42 NSD-1S is ideal for most laboratory and pilot-scale blending requirements. This vacuum-rated blender also comes with a discharge extruder assembly installed along the bottom of the trough to enhance mixing, eliminate dead zones and enable complete discharge. The agitator’s ribbons are pitched to move material axially, in opposing directions, as well as radially. The paddle agitators deliver gentler mixing for applications involving shear-sensitive and friable materials. The unit can function as a paste mixer, vacuum dryer and a granualator/coater that evenly coats a liquid or fine solid on the surface of larger particle ingredients. — Charles Ross & Son Co., Hauppauge, N.Y.