AGC Inc. (Tokyo) held a ceremony at the Anyer Plant (Banten Province, Indonesia) of its chemical manufacturing and sales subsidiary, P.T. Asahimas Chemical (ASC), to commemorate the completion of polyvinyl chloride (PVC)expansion work at the plant and its first shipment of PVC. The ceremony was attended by the Indonesian government officials and the mayor of Cilegon.
ASC has been increasing its capacity since the start of operations to meet the growing demand for chlor-alkali products, such as caustic soda and PVC, in the Southeast Asia region including Indonesia. This capacity expansion is the first since the large capacity expansion implemented in 2016. Although the construction period was affected by COVID-19 pandemic, full-scale operations began in March 2022. As a result, the Group’s annual PVC production capacity has increased to 1.2 million tons in the Southeast Asia region (1 million tons before the expansion) and 750,000 tons at ASC (550,000 tons before the expansion).