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ÅF Pöyry selected as St1’s engineering partner in a new renewable fuel production unit in Sweden

| By Gerald Ondrey

St1 Oy (Helsinki, Finland; has awarded ÅF Pöyry ÅF Pöyry (Helsinki, Finland; with engineering assignment for a new renewable fuel production unit investment project. The new plant will be built in Gothenburg, Sweden, and is the largest single investment in St1’s history. The investment is estimated to approximately SEK1.5 billion ($157 million). ÅF Pöyry’s services includes all engineering disciplines, procurement and scheduling services. The project consists of new units, revamp of existing units and new storage facilities. 

The energy company St1’s vision is to be the leading producer and seller of CO-aware energy. To achieve this vision, the company strives to develop and commercialize functional and environmentally sustainable solutions to replace fossil energy with renewable energy. The St1 Refinery in Gothenburg, Sweden, which is one of most energy efficient in the world, plays a key role in realizing this vision and fulfilling long-term advanced renewable fuels strategy.

St1 has decided to construct a hydrogen manufacturing unit with the goal of starting the production of renewable diesel at the refinery. The new plant will have a capacity to produce 200,000 tons per year of renewable fuel in the form of HVO (hydrogenated vegetable oils), a renewable transport fuel that can be blended into diesel or replace diesel. The goal for production start is in the beginning of 2022.

“We are proud to be a part of St1’s work to produce renewable fuel to reduce CO,” says Mikael Fränckel, business area manager Process Industries Sweden at ÅF Pöyry. “We are confident that as a selected partner we will fulfil St1’s needs through our services and technical solutions”.

“The objective of our renewable fuels strategy is to meet the ambitious 2030 climate targets in our home markets of Finland, Sweden and Norway. A key area for us is significantly reducing the CO2 emissions of transportation fuels from own production.” says Bo-Erik Svensson, managing director of St1 Refinery. “We have chosen ÅF Pöyry as an engineering partner to be able to carry out the project according to the desired standard and on time.”

St1’s ambition is to put efforts to combat the climate change and its consequences through their development work in renewable energy is fully in line with ÅF Pöyry’s vision and goals.

“Our target is to be a part of our customers’ success by creating sustainable solutions for the future. We look forward to cooperating with St1 in this project and making future for future generations together,” says Jörgen Katz, business unit manager Process Industries at ÅF Pöyry.