Achema — the world forum and tradeshow for the chemical process industries (CPI) — is hosted by Dechema e.V. ( every three years in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. This year, the event will take place June 11–15 and will feature some new focal topics, including logistics for chemicals and pharmaceutical manufacturers and flexible manufacturing in the age of Industry 4.0 technologies. Achema’s 2018 exhibition boasts over 3,800 registered exhibitors spread over numerous exhibit halls, who will be showcasing some of the world’s newest and most advanced products and technologies. This year, exhibitors are divided into 11 distinct exhibition groups: Engineering; Research & Innovation; Instrumentation, Control & Automation Techniques, Industrial & Labor Safety; Laboratory & Analytical Techniques; Literature, Information, Learning & Teaching Aids; Mechanical Processes; Thermal Processes; Pharmaceutical, Packaging & Storage Techniques; Pumps, Compressors, Valves & Fittings; and Materials Technology & Testing. In this first of two Achema Show Previews — the second will be in our June issue — is a small selection of offerings from Achema’s 2018 exhibitors.