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ACC and NAMUR sign cooperative agreement on automation and instrumentation

| By Scott Jenkins

Recently, the American Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington, D.C.; on behalf of its Process Automation Users Group (PAUG) and NAMUR (Leverkusen, Germany;, the association of process industry end users of automation technology, have signed an agreement to cooperate on topics of common interest in automation and instrumentation technology

The agreement focuses on improving processes, policies, guidance and standards impacting the instruments and systems used in the process industry. Both organizations – on behalf of their members – pursue aligned solutions in order to advance technological progress globally.

The collaboration agreement has been prepared by joint presentations of the strategic direction and objectives of both associations by board members. The MOU was finally signed on May 6th, 2019.

“We are very pleased to be working with NAMUR on common areas of interest in the respective technologies,” said Bill Gulledge, Senior Manager of American Chemistry Council’s (ACC) Chemical Products and Technology Division (CPTD). “NAMUR is an internationally recognized leader and it’s important that we work together if we are to achieve the shared goal of a stronger global cross-linkage of interests.”

“The international representation of user interests in automation technology is key for our success,” said Felix Hanisch, NAMUR president. “It’s a great pleasure and honor to cooperate with ACC’s PAUG as the North American users’ group to influence and shape the way to a process automation technology of the future.”

The PAUG is constituted as a self-funded group within the ACC’s Chemical Products and Technology Division (CPTD). The group focuses on: Exchanging information and experiences in the area of process automation; Monitoring development of industry standards and marketplace trends; Identifying potential policy issues for industry coordination; and Developing common policy positions that can be communicated to the value chain and regulatory authorities.

NAMUR is an international user association of automation technology in process industries. NAMUR represents interests of more than 160 member companies. Approximately 350 experts are active in about 40 working groups to generate value added by pooling the skills and competences of automation technology users to develop and operate efficient, sustainable, and reliable processes.