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A. Schulman acquires Australia-based Compco for $6.7 million

| By Mary Page Bailey

A. Schulman, Inc. (Akron, Ohio; has announced that it has acquired Compco Pty. Ltd., located near Melbourne, Australia, for $6.7 million in cash. Compco is a manufacturer of a variety of plastic compounds and products, including masterbatches and custom performance colors. Key markets include packaging, wire, cable and pipe. Compco achieved revenues of nearly $15 million for its fiscal year ending June 30, 2014.
 “Compco holds a strong position and significant growth potential in the Australian market and beyond, and its products are aligned with our strategic focus and objectives in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region,” said Bernard Rzepka, executive vice president and chief operating officer of A. Schulman. “The acquisition expands the capabilities of our APAC operations and marks our first entry into the growing pipe and highly regulated wire & cable markets. This move is a positive next step as we remain committed to growing both organically and through acquisitions in the strategically important APAC region.”