The MiniTest 300 is a vacuum leak detector that uses a quartz-window sensor, rather than a mass spectrometer. Weighing only 11 lb, the unit is suited to mobile leak detection at onsite service calls. The MiniTest 300 operates at a working pressure of up to 200 mbars, without requiring additional pressure reduction, says the company. The detection limit of 5 × 10-7 mbar L/s (with a pumping speed of 1 L/s) of the system pump enables its use for leak detection in many industrial applications, such as coating and vacuum systems, as well as for vacuum furnaces. The device has two different functional modes — leak detection mode for localizing the leak, and measurement mode, to quantify the leak value. All measurement data can be saved in the device’s remote control system and stored on a USB storage device for further use. — Pfeiffer Vacuum North America, Hingam, Mass.