Introduced last April, Torayfan MWX6 metallized white cavitated biaxially-oriented polypropylene (PP) film is designed with a proprietary “ultra-barrier” layer on one side for “superior” moisture- and oxygen-barrier functionality, and the other side of this MWX6 film is a hermetic, heat-sealable layer. The new film can be used as a “monoweb” or a lamination, and thus runs on horizontal form-fill-seal (HFFS) and vertical FFS machines. Available in 100 and 110 gages (1–1.1 mil), MWX6 film is suitable for packaging food products (snacks, baked goods, confectionary items and refrigerated and frozen foods), as well as agricultural and chemical packaging. — Toray Plastics (America), Inc., North Kingstown, R.I. Gerald Ondrey