VMY ’56 is the official designation of the new generation of this firm’s refrigeration and process-gas compressors (photo). It is the synthesis of 35 years of experience with former VMY series and will replace the well-known series VMY ’46 in the medium term. Designed for all common refrigerants, the VMY compressors are especially applied in the industrial refrigeration technology as well as for mixed gas and process gas in the chemical- and petrochemical industries and in power plants. At present, the first sizes VMY 256 M HR and VMY 256 M NR are available, reaching a conveying volume of 911 m3/h up to 1,375 m3/h at 50 Hz as well as a maximum pressure difference of 25 bar. In addition, the serial production of the size VMY 156 M — also available as male and female drive and with a volume flow of 444 m3/h up to 678 m3/h — will start in short time. The rotors of the new compressor stage are made of surface-hardened special steel for long service life. The profile 4 + 6 developed by Aerzen for the secondary rotor drive has been proven by its high reliability. The first rotors with this material and the drive on the secondary rotor side have been in operation quite successfully for more than ten years. — Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Aerzen, Germany
A new generation of compressors is now available
| By Chemical Engineering