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A new blowing agent improves efficiency of refrigeration

| By Chemical Engineering

Solstice Liquid Blowing Agent can be used in a variety of insulation applications, including spray foam, foam insulating panels and refrigerator insulation. The manufacturer says use of the new material can make refrigerators up to 10–12% more energy efficient than those insulated by hydrocarbon-blown foam, and more than 2% more efficient than refrigerators containing HFC-245fa, today’s most widely used insulating agent. The new blowing agent is said to excel in the four most important “dimensions”: energy efficiency performance, environmental impact, safety in use and cost-effectiveness. Previously called HBA-2, the Solstice Liquid Blowing Agent has an extremely short atmospheric lifetime (about 26 days), thus causing no impact on ozone layer depletion. The compound has a global warming potential of less than 7. — Honeywell Specialty Materials, Morris Township, N.J.