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Achema Show Preview 2

| By Mary Page Bailey


Achema Show Preview

Professionals from all sectors of the chemical process industries (CPI) will convene June 15–19 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, for Achema 2015. This year’s event will host over 3,600 exhibitors, who will showcase some of the world’s newest equipment, services and technologies for the CPI. The following Show Preview highlights a small selection of Achema’s 2015 exhibitors.

In addition to the extensive exhibition portion of Achema, a concurrent technical conference will take place, where experts from around the world will gather to discuss and learn about numerous CPI-related topics. This year’s conference puts special focus on the following three areas: advances in bio-based chemicals; innovative process analytical technology; and industrial water management, which is the topic of a plenary lecture on Monday, June 15. A second plenary lecture, on Thursday, June 18, is titled “Chemical production for tomorrow’s challenges.”

Panel discussions on shale gas and Germany’s energy outlook will take place on Tuesday, June 16 and Wednesday, June 17, respectively. A special event platform, entitled “Biobased World” will present a large range of production processes in industrial biotechnology.

The numerous technical-conference sessions cover a diverse array of topics, including: reaction engineering, electro-biotechnology, modular plant concepts, corrosion management, solids processing, catalysis, laboratory techniques, heat-transfer innovations, thermal and electrical-power engineering, microprocess engineering and more. For the full program of technical lectures, please see

Attendees at the show can keep up with the events of Achema by reading the Achema Daily, a bilingual, daily newspaper published by Chemical Engineering, in collaboration with Vogel Media (Würzburg, Germany; The Achema Daily will be distributed to the event’s attendees, and also will be available digitally at, for those unable to attend the event.